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Companies and Social Media

We had the pleasure of interviewing Daniela Ebejer, who is the manager at Melita Health and Beauty to gain a little more insight to the...

Influencers and Selfies

We had the pleasure of interviewing Lara Azzopardi, the brains behind the blog 'Lara's Pint of Style'. We wanted to know a little bit...

Instagram Removing Likes?!

Since July 2019 Instagram has decided to remove ‘like counts’ on photos and videos uploaded by users.  This does not mean that people...

History Of The #Selfie

Although recently the word ‘Selfie’ has become something mainstream, the concept of ‘selfie’ has been going on for a long time. Fun Fact...

What is a Selfie 🤳🏼?

Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Selfie’ as “a photo of yourself that you take, typically with a smartphone or a webcam, and usually put on a...

Welcome To Our Blog ✨

This is our Team. How did we become one? You might think there is this elaborate story of how everything came to be, but to be frank… we...

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